Thursday, November 29, 2012

Easiest meditation routine ever

I often suggest to my patients that they try meditation.  Whether they're looking to reduce anxiety, improve situations in their lives, or understand things they're not currently understanding, meditation seems to be a good starting point.  Almost all of them have the same reaction when I suggest meditating...."Me?  No, I couldn't do that.  My mind won't slow down long enough for that."  To which I reply, "That's exactly why it's so important."

We have lost the ability to be alone with ourselves it seems.  We have become a society of action seekers.  We fill our lives with things, and people and places without taking the time to commune with nature, or our thoughts, or our selves.  And as we lose touch with these things, our anxiety and unease increase.  We search for meaning, but we're like hungry dogs after a bone.  We chase and force and fight to find something to hold onto.  But we're often left feeling let down....empty.

I suggest that we pause daily to reconnect with our deepest selves.  Then when we return to the hustle and bustle of our lives we'll bring calm, centered energy to the moment.

Meditation doesn't have to be anymore complicated then sitting/standing/walking in reflective silence.  Trying to allow our minds to empty of both the trivialities and major worries we encounter moment to moment.

So here's my recipe for the easiest meditation routine ever:

  • Set a timer.  Begin with just two minutes and work your way upwards as the routine becomes more comfortable to you.
  • Find a quiet spot.
  • Sit comfortably. Or walk if that works.
  • Close your eyes. Unless you're walking.
  • Breath.
  • Breath a little more deeply.
  • Allow yourself to be focused on your breath.  Pay attention as you inhale.  Pay attention to the space between inhalation and exhalation.  Pay attention as you exhale.
  • Feel yourself relaxing with each breath.
  • If thoughts arise, allow them to pass, and come back to breathing.
  • Keep focusing on your breath.
  • Continue this until your timer goes off.
That's it.  That's all you have to do to begin meditating.  If you can can meditate.  There are many other techniques you can learn after you master this simple meditation routine.  And I promise, even if you can only manage to do this for two minutes every day, it will begin to provide you with a center.  A place from which you can respond to life's ups and downs.  You will begin to feel separate from the chaos, disorganization, and stress that surrounds you.  You will discover that you can find the calm within the storm in yourself in any moment. 

Try it this week....and let me know how it goes for you.

May you awaken to your best self.

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