Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day

Since I generally post my blog updates on Thursdays, it feels impossible to tackle any topic other than Thanksgiving.  So that's what I'll do.

Today I am thankful for family far and near.  For the easy, stable relationships that consistently fill me with joy and comfort.  And for the more troublesome, difficult ones that force me to come out of my comfort zone and really push my limits.  I learn a tremendous amount about myself through both.

I am thankful for friends.  For those with whom I've recently begun a piece of the journey.  For those whose paths have strayed from mine (or mine from theirs). And for those who have been there through it all.  I may not understand the character rotation, but I know it benefits me greatly.

I am thankful for this past year.  For the losses great and small that scarred my heart.  For the unfulfilled longings and hopes that continue to spur me on.  For the joyful days and the moments of pure bliss.  I honor the trials and tribulations right alongside the triumphs.  For both the good and the bad continue to build my character and strengthen my resolve to keep moving forward.

I am thankful for the work I do.  For the clients who bring me their burdens day in and day out with trust that I will help them on this journey.  For those who struggle to keep getting up, day after day, no matter what life throws at them.  And for those who yearn to understand more and more life lessons as they continue on their path.  For they all bring me something in return for our shared time together, and I grow a little every single day through their stories.

I am thankful for this day that both forces and allows us to look at all of the things in our lives for which we can be grateful.  There is nothing more uplifting than looking around to see all of the beauty in our lives.  Even in the pain there is a nugget of grace that allows us to keep moving forward, and for that I am eternally thankful.  The human spirit never gives in.  It moves us forward on our journey seeking greater understanding, stronger relationships, and compassion in our daily lives. 

May you awaken to your best self.

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