Saturday, December 8, 2012

Whole Healing Model

I believe there is something very wrong with our medical system. Although I work in behavioral/mental health rather than being a medical doctor, the systems are almost identical. The influence of managed care has had an effect on both systems, and while I am grateful both personally and professionally for the access to healthcare afforded by health insurance, I believe it is corrupting the effectiveness of care.

Did you know that if you expect your insurance to cover a medical or mental health service, you must have a diagnosable condition? Did you know that some managed care organizations then dictate the terms of treatment based on diagnosis? It is a disease/disorder based system. Generally speaking medical professionals don't ask what's going right in your world, they ask what's wrong. At an initial intake in my office I want to take the time to understand strengths and weaknesses, to be able to use a client's own skillset and personality traits to help lessen problematic symptoms and to increase positive interactions and feelings. When managed care is involved, I have less freedom to do this. I am required to find a diagnosis... A Problem.

But what if we're looking at this backwards. In the medical model we are becoming more and more aware that it makes sense to provide preventative treatment rather than to respond to crises of disease. It makes more sense to lower cholesterol through diet and exercise rather than providing services to someone suffering from resultant heart disease years later. Managed care is coming along but they still lag behind. I'm not sure most insurance plans would pay for ongoing nutritional counseling or exercise programs, even though both promote good health. Nor will most insurance companies cover alternative treatments like massage or acupuncture even though these types if treatments have proven to be helpful for many conditions and in reducing overall stress.

The behavioral health system faces the same dilemmas. Managed care will cover office visits, but there are no organizations if which I am aware that will cover ongoing counseling without a diagnosable disorder. Grief counseling, career counseling, ongoing therapeutic support are not options unless you have a diagnosable condition or choose to pay out of pocket.

I think we would be a healthier and happier society if we focused on prevention and wellness rather than crisis and illness in both the medical system and in mental health services. I don't want to be limited to symptoms and disorders when I could be joining clients on a journey to psychological wellness and growth. The only way this system changes is by the consumer demanding change. We pay the premiums for health insurance and we can continue to push the system in a healthier, more sustainable direction.  We need to be putting a premium on preventative services and ongoing relationships with Primary Care doctors and mental health professionals.  These relationships are the building blocks for healing the entire person, not just treating symptoms.

Awaken to your best self.

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