Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome to Talk Therapy

In general, when I’m doing something new, I feel a need to provide context for myself. I like to have a couple of things written down to remind myself what my goals are in doing the new thing.  I also like to be able to let others know why they should even care about my new thing.  So…..this blog is my new thing.  Time for some context….
Often in session with clients I come across great ideas.  They develop within session, but expand beyond our work in the room.  I then find myself revisiting these ideas with other clients.  It doesn’t take long before a theme emerges and I see that multiple clients across various demographics are struggling with and resolving the same issues.  I’d like to be able to share some of those ideas that emerge within sessions with people completely outside of my in-person practice. 
If you noticed, I said that I often “come across great ideas” rather than saying that I have great ideas.  Sometimes the ideas are fully mine, but many times they develop between me and a client as we process events in and perceptions of their life.  I would venture to guess that if I share these same developing ideas with as many people as possible, we’ll start a conversation that will evolve into even richer ideas and concepts.  I like the idea of continuing the conversations that begin in my office.  I think the diversity of opinions and experiences makes for a richer discussion of the topic.  I encourage you to comment and continue the conversations I will begin each week.
Additionally it helps me to be able to sit with myself to formulate ideas to share with clients.  I am constantly reading various sources and bringing together various concepts in order to create meaningful dialogue in session.  Blogging on a weekly basis will give me the opportunity to develop integrated thoughts on topics that span the field of psychology. I feel that everyone has something to add, and a blog might be just the way to encourage substantial meaningful conversation on various topics of interest.  All the while expanding my understanding and allowing for greater breadth of experience.
This blog will also allow potential clients to hear my voice, as it were, on their screen.  One of the most effective predictors of successful mental health counseling is the perceived fit between counselor and client.  Many people try counseling once and don’t feel connected to the counselor so they never come back.  I want people to be comfortable with me, my personality and way of interacting, even before they walk through the front door at Bodhi.  I want them to feel like there is a level of familiarity prior to opening themselves up in counseling.  I hope that by discussing a variety of topics while being true to my own voice and perspective, I will offer up a non-threatening and relatively easy way to begin the therapeutic process. 
In addition, once someone has “signed on” to work with me in therapy, there is a lot to be done between sessions.  Having a place that pulls all of that potential work together allows for continued therapeutic work between sessions.  I like the idea of therapy stretching out from my office into the world at large. 
My goal is to provide a lot of good information and resources on a variety of topics that seem to come up regularly in sessions.  The areas in which I plan to write include the following:
  • Parenting tips and techniques
  • Whole Person Wellness
  • Addiction and its effect on families
  •  General Psychology
  • Women’s Issues
  • Dealing with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
  • ADHD and other Executive Function disorders
My hope is to explore these topics in a different way than they are often presented providing for a different perspective.  I want to provide information and support that allows for greater understanding of how much power and control you actually have in your own life, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself.  I want to begin conversations on these topics and others in a way that allows for compassion and growth. 
I hope this is a good start, and I hope you choose to keep reading.  Expect to see something new at least once a week, and feel free to comment or continue the discussion whenever the mood strikes you.

May you awaken to your best self.

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