Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Be still

"Men cannot see their reflections in running water, 
but only in still water."  

I stumbled upon this quote the other day when I was feeling particularly irritated with someone in my life who seemed hellbent on not listening to what I was trying to say.  I was pointing out this person's way of being in the world and how that affects people with whom he interacts.  I was giving it the old "this is my experience of you in the world," but it was not finding a comfortable place to land in his psyche.  I was fairly well fed up. 

And then this quote happened.....and I almost overlooked it (because I was so intent on getting someone else to hear my wisdom).  And then this quote began to sink in.....and I realized I was much like the running water.  And then I recognized that I was making it impossible for this person to see his own reflection....because he was too busy defending himself against my words. 

As always it was much easier to see how I could use this with others.  I became quiet and stopped saying my piece.  I became still and waited.  It took a while, but eventually a conversation happened (not at my behest, but in a very organic, natural way).  That conversation was much more fruitful than any of my talking ever would have been.  Simply because I became still. 

Then the quote happened again....and I realized it wasn't just about me with others, but it was about me with me.  How often do I avoid sitting in stillness because I have much to do?  How often do I go running off at the mouth rather than inviting myself to a peaceful, calm, still place where I can really learn something about myself?  How often am I trying to find my reflection in running water and finding it hard to piece it all together?

And so I'll be still. 
I hope you'll join me. 

Awaken to your best self.  

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